Purpose of PROC MEANS Specifying Statistics |
Keyword | Description |
CLM | Two-sided confidence limit for the mean |
CSS | Corrected sum of squares |
CV | Coefficient of variation |
KURTOSIS | Kurtosis |
LCLM | One-sided confidence limit below the mean |
MAX | Maximum value |
MEAN | Average |
MIN | Minimum value |
N | Number of observations with nonmissing values |
NMISS | Number of observations with missing values |
RANGE | Range |
SKEWNESS | Skewness |
STDDEV / STD | Standard Deviation |
STDERR | Standard error of the mean |
SUM | Sum |
SUMWGT | Sum of the Weight variable values. |
UCLM | One-sided confidence limit above the mean |
USS | Uncorrected sum of squares |
VAR | Variance |
Quantile Statistics
Keyword | Description |
MEDIAN / P50 | Median or 50th percentile |
P1 | 1st percentile |
P5 | 5th percentile |
P10 | 10th percentile |
Q1 / P25 | Lower quartile or 25th percentile |
Q3 / P75 | Upper quartile or 75th percentile |
P90 | 90th percentile |
P95 | 95th percentile |
P99 | 99th percentile |
QRANGE | Difference between upper and lower quartiles: Q3-Q1 |
Hypothesis Testing
Keyword | Description |
PROBT | Probability of a greater absolute value for the t value |
T | Student's t for testing the hypothesis that the population mean is 0 |
Limiting Decimal Places Because PROC MEANS uses the BEST. format by default, procedure output can contain unnecessary decimal places. To limit decimal places, use the MAXDEC= option and set it equal to the length that you prefer. Specifying Variables in PROC MEANS Group Processing Using the CLASS Statement Group Processing Using the BY Statement Creating a Summarized Data Set Using PROC MEANS
Creating a Summarized Data Set Using PROC SUMMARY
The FREQ Procedure Specifying Variables Creating Two-Way Tables
Creating N-Way Tables Creating Tables in List Format Suppressing Table Information
To go to the page where a statement or option was presented, select a link. |
Sample Programs
Points to Remember